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Hair Care for Muslim Women

Too often, the topic of hair care is sidelined for Muslim women who wear a veil. Attention to hairstyles and grooming often seems less important when your hair is not on display. However, just because it’s out of sight, it doesn’t mean it should be out of mind. Looking after your hair’s health not only brings personal hygiene benefits – it can also boost your overall well-being and self-esteem.

Here, we’ll look at some tips for keeping your hair healthy, comfortable and attractive, even if only a few people ever see it.

Why should you care for your covered hair?

First things first – why even bother with looking after your hair? The people who are most likely to see it are probably the ones who will be the least judgemental about it. This argument is probably the one that keeps us from caring for our hair the most.

Firstly, maintaining healthy hair is essential for personal health. Your scalp is skin that needs attention just like the rest of your body. Neglect can lead to discomfort or other health issues. 

Even if the public doesn’t see your hair, the touch and feel of healthy locks can make a powerful impact on how you feel about yourself. And physical irritations such as itching, dryness and friction caused by hair coverings can often be alleviated with proper hair care routines.

Address these needs and you not only enhance your comfort but also avoid potential long-term scalp and hair damage.

Effective hair care tips for veiled women

Now you know the whys, let’s move onto the "how". If you’re not used to a strict hair care routine, some of these tips might be new to you. But keep them in mind, and they’ll soon become second nature.

Loosening up

Tightly pulled hairstyles can stress your hair roots and potentially lead to hair loss issues like traction alopecia. It might seem like the natural thing to do when you’re wearing a rather close-fitting veil or abaya, but you can get away with a much more relaxed ponytail or bun and still achieve the same result. Just think about those precious hair follicles every time you tie back.

The fabric of your veil

The choice of fabric for your hijab plays a pivotal role in hair care. Synthetic materials can cause sweat accumulation and irritate the scalp. Natural fibres like cotton or silk allow better ventilation and keep a check on build-ups of sweat. It’s not very nice to think about, but it’s sound advice that will serve you well! 


Wearing a high-quality undercap between your hair and the hijab can significantly reduce the non-stop friction between hair and fabric as you go about your day. Materials like silk or soft, breathable cotton excel in preventing hair breakage thanks to reduced abrasion. Note that the rules for fabric are the same for the veil – choose natural fabrics if possible.

Choosing an appropriate hairstyle

Adopting hairstyles that work well with wearing a hijab can make a huge difference. Styles like loose braids or buns positioned low at the nape are comfortable and minimise tugging and  tangling. The end result is hair that’s organised and managed. If you visit a salon that specialises in styles for Muslim women, they’ll be able to guide you.

Don’t cover wet hair

Life is busy, especially if you’ve got kids. But try not to squeeze your whole morning routine into too small a slot, especially when it comes to letting your hair dry. Putting on a veil over even slightly damp hair can cause split ends, as well as unnatural shapes for your strands of hair. Get it completely dry before you style it and put your veil or cap on. But go easy on your hairdryer’s heat setting. Try to let the wind do all the work, not the temperature. 

Regular changing

Change and clean your hijab and undercap regularly to prevent build-up of dirt and oils. Like any other garment, the cleanliness of your hijab is crucial to maintaining good hygiene and a flawless appearance. It’s normal to wash a hijab after three wears, but some women wash theirs after every wear. Others wear an undercap and wash that daily, which allows them to leave their veil a little longer between washes.

Alternative veil considerations

For head coverings other than hijabs, such as turbans or shawls, similar rules apply. Go for natural fabrics to let your scalp breathe, and opt for easy-to-maintain styles that don’t strain your follicles.

Universal hair care tips

Regular washing, using good quality shampoos and conditioners, oiling for moisture retention, and gentle drying are great practices to adopt. There are different shampoos and conditioners for various types of hair such as dry, oily or brittle. If in doubt, speak to your hairdresser or friends and family for advice. Make sure you get regular trims to remove split ends and stimulate health growth.

Celebrate your style

Remember, your hair is as much a part of you as any other aspect of your look. Maintaining its health brings a host of benefits, from comfort to the pleasure of knowing you look and feel great.

Let the routine of hair care become a ritual that reflects self-respect and personal care, whether it’s on display or not. After all, every woman deserves to feel fantastic about herself, so looking after your hair is a great place to start.

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